Wednesday, July 16, 2008

VaCaTiOn{enjoyig summer}

I decided to go to Orlando, Florida go down Disney, enjoy the climate, and party lol. I went to Florida with my family for Christmas break and had a good time, even though I didn't get to go everywhere I planned to. So I want to go again but this time with friends. I decided to take with me my cousins Amaka and Brittney. I'm also going to invite my peoples (summer homies) Ashley, DiAmante, Castell, Sekou, Cory, Bre, Jasmine M,and Darryl. I plan to leave on August 2nd and return August 8th using Air Tran. I used Air Tran to go to Florida before and ended with good results so yeaa. I am staying at Likki Tiki Village (or something like that) it is a resort I stayed there before too. The cost doesn't really matter because my family owns a share. The entire trip will cost a few pretty pennies because of how many people are going. The flying price is $321 per person and about $1,926 total.

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