Monday, July 7, 2008

first blog= camp day 2

Today was the second day of camp. I wore yellow and white, so i decided to type in yellow. We went to our classes and met or teachers for the first time today. The classes don't seem hard just a lil annoying. I met some nice people. been chillin with some cool people they're funny. There has been alot of good conversation. WE got up tooo early in the morning for me but its been good just a lil tired. In just one day people already created some funny memories. Yesterday was a goood day also I enjoyed meeting new people and finding out new things about them. We have an interesting group here but everybody seem to be getting along and enjoying themselves. I came here with my cousin and my fabulous mother is working with the camp too, she will be teaching our SAT PREP English class.

So today was good and tomorrow is a new day (that I'm looking forward tooo!).

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